Integration and growth at your own pace.

Living the Spiral

Take a journey with us through the human story.

Using the framework of Spiral Dynamics, we seek to make sense of patterns and complexities that we all experience but often don’t have language for.

This course takes you through the path of re-integration and growth, providing the opportunity to gain awareness, self-compassion and a deeper understanding of yourself and others.

We taught this course live on Zoom to 15 groups, got amazing feedback and decided to create an online version that you can do on your own time, at your own pace. We are so excited to invite you along on this journey that has changed our lives!

Head to Heart

Inviting in peace by letting the heart’s wisdom speak

In western culture, we’ve been trained to believe that our minds are our sharpest tool. We use our minds to learn complex subject matter, solve intricate problems, and rationalize the story of our existence.

Our minds are powerful but they are limited and they leave us searching to past experiences for answers.

Love, peace, creativity, and joy don’t live in the past. They live in the present: the timeless, unlimited now.

In this course you will learn of new ways to think of the connection between your heart and your mind and tools and practices to strengthen your ability to stay in your heart’s perspective.

Single Session Courses

  • How can we reclaim our wholeness in a world that has made us separate?

    Unfortunately, most humans think of themselves as fundamentally separate from their bodies, others, nature, and the world around them. This belief in separation causes loneliness, despair, angst, and a feeling that life is one battle after another.

    Join us for a look into how we can embrace the Truth of our inherent wholeness and bring awareness to the aspects of self that mislead us into thinking we are separate. We discuss short-term vs. long-term rewards as one way that we can take daily action to align to the larger aspects of self. We also discuss how to bring more focus to our heart, mind, and will and how these three components, working together, help us take right action in our daily lives.

  • We all came here to be fulfilled and live a life full of passion, creativity, and connection.

    Many people want to explore their purpose and dive deep into finding language and expression for their purpose.

    However, purpose can be such a polarizing concept. For some, the concept of purpose feels heavy and confining. It feels like something that causes suffering and pain.

    No matter how you currently feel about your purpose, this course guides you through ways to look at your life purpose through the lens of being and doing, how to put language to your purpose, and why purpose is such an important concept to integral living.

  • Boundaries are where I can love you and love me too.

    Too often boundaries are thought of in an external sense. They are framed in terms of what we don’t want. When we are constantly in reaction to the external world we are letting the external world dictate who we are. When we are constantly telling the external world we don’t want we are missing what is true for us deep down. 

    What if our boundaries could be thought of in terms of what we do want? When our boundaries are rooted in self knowing and self love they become beautiful gifts we can give ourselves and others. 

    In this course we cover what beautiful boundaries are, where they come from and how we can cultivate a sense of self love that provides the basis for the beautiful boundaries we set in our life.

  • This course walks you through three key aspects of releasing: limiting beliefs using a 4-step process; expectations and judgments of loved ones; expectations and judgments of ourselves.

    We also talk through how cleaning an aspect of your living space helps move emotional energy and how to use the Hawaiian forgiveness prayer Ho'opnopono.

    We hope you love this course and that it supports your process of closing out the year or any other season of life that is asking you to let go before moving forward into the next most aligned version of yourself.

  • We view healing as a journey that is inextricably intertwined with the spiritual journey. A spiritual journey without healing can quickly tilt into unhealth through bypassing. However, if we embrace our True Nature as fully divine and fully human, then we see that healing is really a journey of reclaiming and remembering who we truly are.

    In this course, we cover four dimensions of the healing journey: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.