Organizations reflect the level of awareness of their leaders.

Are you ready to bring increased awareness to your organization?

Organizations have a tremendous amount of power and influence in society. They shape the meaning of work, our concept of purpose, and the structure of our daily lives. Yet, most organizations are operating on an outdated paradigm.

We are being called to take the next leap in consciousness; a quantum shift in how we collaborate, create, and innovate. This requires us to bring awareness to where we’ve been, what we’ve gained and lost along the way, and make mindful choices about how we want to operate going forward.

In order to take this journey we must have time, space, and support to navigate the complexities and discern what will benefit from more focused time and attention and what is ready to be let go of.

“A whole society is built upon whole communities. Whole communities are built upon whole people. Organizations today are the greatest lever we have as an agent of wholeness.” - Joel Fariss




How will increased Systems Thinking capabilities benefit your organization?

As the global economy continues to present exponential complexities into your organization, one of the best investments you can make in your Executive and Senior Leadership team is building systems thinking acumen. The skills that fall under the umbrella of systems thinking have a high correlation to improved organizational performance.  

It is common to see strategic orientation and systems thinking as inherent leadership qualities that some people possess and others don’t. However, the reality is that these are skills that can be taught and cultivated.

Prior client experience has shown that learning systems thinking creates the space for deeper realizations, more productive conversations, and more creative solutions. I have received the feedback that if all leaders had this knowledge and understanding they would be better equipped to find permanent solutions to recurring problems, allowing them to spend more time innovating and creating the way forward.

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

- Albert Einstein

Systems Thinking Coaching can support your leaders by:

  • Creating space for strategic thought, reflection, and clarity of decision making

  • Giving language for improved dialogue, communication, and sense-making

  • Identifying and resolving the root of systemic patterns and inefficiencies

  • Providing leaders with increased skill set to strengthen their efficacy in their current role and prepare them to seamlessly transition into new roles

We would love to connect

We would love to chat if you are curious to learn more about how systems thinking and conscious awareness can help your leaders.