Guidance on your journey of ever-expanding awareness.

Creating a more beautiful world requires collaboration and support.

We are here to walk along side you.

We support clients by bringing language, awareness, and organizing principles to resolve current tensions and open up to innovation. We identify the dynamics of what is working and what is not - systemically and intrapersonally. This allows us to support growth through the integrative theory of transcend and include.

We explore questions such as:

  • What parts of your true self do you want to express more of?

  • What are you doing when you feel most purpose-driven, passionate, and alive?

  • Where does your power come from?

These questions drive our daily curiosities, conversations, and collaborations. We are constantly inspired by co-creators who walk with us on the path of creativity, love, and open-awareness.

“We’re all just walking each other home.” - Ram Dass

We are integration guides for individuals and visionaries for conscious organizations.

We believe in an integrative approach to growth that honors the valuable wisdom of what came before us. This wisdom is the foundation for our empowerment, helping us understand who we truly are and why we are here.

Historically, as humans have made prior leaps in consciousness we have transcended prior problems, but unfortunately have also repressed valuable wisdom along the way. This leads to dis-integration.

In order to re-integrate we need intuitive, intelligent, ingenious solutions.

We support brave humans and organizations taking these leaps.

Where is your path leading?

Trace Bell

Is a transformation consultant and consciousness teacher who brings the unique perspective as a Gen-Z luminary. His Me, We, Everybody series on The Robcast let the world into his inner life of spiritual wisdom, astute awareness, and joyful sense of humor.

Trace graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in Political Science where he followed his passion for studying human systems and relational dynamics. He is currently enrolled in Third Wave’s Coaching Certification Program to become a psychedelic integration coach.

When not working on creating and guiding you can find Trace enjoying the wisdom of authors such as Rupert Spira, Rumi, and Ken Wilber. Trace also loves meditating, working out, listening to music, and spending time in nature.

Tina Olsen

Is a certified professional coach (iPEC) and an energy intuitive who uses her gift of relatable analogies to bring complex topics into discernible view. She spent 15 years in the insurance industry and uses that experience to relate, iterate and create with clients.

Tina studied Political Science (B.A. UC Davis, M.A. San Francisco State) which honed her skills in strategic and systems thinking.

In addition to co-creating with Trace, she loves playing with their pup Nalu, reading, and going on nature hikes. She’s inspired by future visionaries including Frederic Laloux, Lee Harris, and Daniel Schmachtenberger.