Spiral Dynamics for Organizations

A human development model that helps navigate the increasing complexity of work.

What is Spiral Dynamics?

Spiral Dynamics is a model of human development that maps the growth and evolution of individuals, groups, and humanity over time.

Whether we are looking through the lens of history, philosophy, psychology, or biology, it has been shown that evolution happens in sudden leaps.

Spiral Dynamics gives each leap a new stage name and color, clearly distinguishing it from the beliefs and way of being that preceded it. Each new stage provides a completely new perspective which naturally shifts the way humans organize themselves and interact with one another.

We have reason to believe that humanity is currently making a new leap.

The outdated ways that we are handling today’s global challenges are causing an increasing amount of pain and dysfunction. Learning Spiral Dynamics can help your organization be better equipped with knowledge, language, and tools to better navigate the inherent complexity that comes with massive change.

Click here for an overview of the model.

Develop a vision for your organization’s role in the emergence of a better world.

How Spiral Dynamics helps Organizations

  • Creates a safe environment for people to show up as their full selves

  • Gives shared language for improved dialogue, communication, and sense-making

  • Helps identify the root of systemic patterns and inefficiencies

  • Outlines human motivations to better understand others mindsets and perspectives

  • Provides leaders with increased understanding of team, cross-departmental, and marketplace dynamics

  • Fosters a culture that allows for employees to access their innate creative and collaborative potential

  • Sheds light on and reduces the sources of chronic stress, burnout and “quiet quitting”

  • Provides framework to improve systems thinking capabilities

  • Improves quality of decision making

  • Gives clarity as to why current systems and solutions aren’t generating the desired impact

  • Names universal themes and dynamics, expanding the capacity for compassion and innovation

Ways to work together

  • Coaching to increase systems thinking capabilities, thought leadership, and the ability to use a meta-model to achieve your personal and organizational goals

  • Programs are customized to your intentions and desired outcomes

  • Eight week in-depth course bringing a team through the stages of the Spiral Dynamics model (90 min. per week)

  • Each session outlines the health and un-health of each stage and provides reflections, activities, and tools

  • 2 day onsite or 3 day offsite workshops catered to your organization’s current needs and appetite for change

  • Receive an overview of the model with a systems thinking look into your strategic priorities and plan